The acorn does not know a mighty tree exists within it…It simply grows.
‘THE SEED’– This 5 week intro course will gently strengthen and align your body, awakening your innate body/mind/spirit potential. I have spoken at great length of the importance of understanding the roots of a cultural dance – but first and foremost there must be The Seed from deep within you.
In this course we will be exploring:
- The very seed of powerful, aligned, balanced, nuanced movement.
- The genesis of Egyptian movement traditions and how to seed this into your own experience and expression….
- Ancient eastern healing breath/body work to further awaken and deepen your connection with the Elementals.
- The latest bioscience findings into body/mind/movement.
You will discover your innate body schema, offering an opportunity to explore a deeper more profound source of movement. After all, you can only get to a destination if you know from whence you start. You will also discover how each of the above forms a symbiotic relationship to finally convey the dynamic and authentic experience we seek in our dancescape.
In time, this applied knowledge will transform not only how you move, but how you experience movement. It almost goes without saying that it also offers amazing holistic health and healing opportunities, regardless of your starting base.
This course would also benefit more experienced levels, provided you are willing to take that step back to explore new challenges and new possibilities to the exclusion ofprevious experience/expectations. Course starts August 12, 2.15p.m. Classes are small, intimate in a private, purpose built studio. Please contact me via facebook messagehttps://www.facebook.com/elemental.egyptian.dancewith any queries you may have.
the fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is inside itself’ Sufi saying
A few testimonials from students:.
“Thank you Juliet, once again for bringing the gift of Egyptian dance into my life, and with it all the wonderous shifts in my awareness and my energy flow. Every class is a feast I look forward to experiencing. Learning dance from you has been a revelation. I have always loved to dance. Movement and music always excites me, but you have awoken me to so much more. The connection of dance to my spirit and soul. I cant thank you enough for that”. D.H
“Juliet has transformed my life and way of thinking, in mind, body and spirit. An amazing talent, so knowledgeable on all levels, uniquely special and has saved me from myself and old ways with respect to poor posture and poor exercise regimes after many injuries in the gym with instructors who have little training and little care. Juliet has helped me overcome old injuries and is completely passionate and graceful in her instructions. In Juliet?s gorgeous studio she has the ability to transcend time and take you to a beautiful place and you leave feeling reborn! Thank you Juliet. A truly beautiful lady! NTD x”
Link to more testimonials on the EED website
About juliet
Juliet Le Page has trained in many dance forms including Classical Ballet, Modern Dance, Jazz, and Flamenco and Middle Eastern Dance. She was one of the earliest exponents of Belly Dance in Melbourne and her first performance was in 1980. She soon became disenchanted with Belly Dance and stopped to pursue other opportunities in the arts, including script re-writes, directing, production as well as performance in theatre, TV and film.
In 1995 Juliet was introduced to the work of Hilal and has since traveled the world in pursuit of excellence in the art of teaching and performing Egyptian Dance. Her dedication and discipline was rewarded in 2000 when she was invited to become an Applicant for teacher training by the Hilal Art Foundation. Juliet was awarded her full licence in 2004. She continues to hone her skills under the auspice of Marie Al Fajr.
She has lectured in universities and to arts groups and has also been interviewed on National radio and for documentaries. She has performed for Arabic festivals, television and in theaters at the invitation of arts bodies. In July 2003, Juliet was invited by The Consul General of Egypt to perform at the official function celebrating Egyptian National Day. She has been interviewed and has performed on the Egyptian Show on community television.
She has completed studies in psychology, anatomy and physiology and is a qualified fitness instructor as well as a licenced practitioner of the GYROKINESIS® Method*. Her research and knowledge on functional alignment and physical form relative to Egyptian dance is an important and distinctive component of her teaching. In her purpose built studio she also offers Pilates/Yoga Core Work, and Holistic Stretch classes incorporating PNF method.
Juliet has been invited to sit as a panel examiner for professional dance and performance arts academies including the Australian Ballet School - (Spanish Dance 2001-2009). She also has professional experience in theater, film and television in various areas of production, acting and dance.
Juliet is also affiliated with Tanz Raum, an international platform where similarly trained and accredited artists share knowledge, experience and resource to inspire excellence in the teaching and performance of Egyptian Dance. She has also taught at the international workshops organised by them. Tanzraum recognizes dedication and integrity and also produces high quality C.D's of traditional Egyptian music**.
Juliet’s passion for her chosen genre is evident in her teaching and performance. Her objective is to bring to students an awareness of the intricate and rich cultural heritage of Egypt through the beauty and benefits of the dance art form.
Please visit the website for more information www.eed.com.au
* GYROKINESIS® is a registered trademark of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and is used with their permission.
** See the Music section for CD & DVD sales.
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